
A stage, with scenery lit by multiple spotlights. The stage is set and the actors are yet to arrive

If life really isn’t a dress rehearsal, are you actually the star of the show right now?

“All the world’s a stage,And all the men and women merely Players;They have their exits and their entrances,And one man in his time plays many parts,His Acts being seven ages.” These opening lines from a monologue in Shakespeare’s As You Like It compare the world to a stage, and life the play which unfolds upon

If life really isn’t a dress rehearsal, are you actually the star of the show right now? Read More »

A chess board, with the black king lying on its side. The game is over and one of the players has given up

How often does victory now escape you because you regularly defeat yourself before you’ve even started?

Success is a strange thing. It can be something we crave, and it can be something that we routinely achieve. Alternatively, it is sometimes something that eludes us, leaving us feeling frustrated. And, of course, there are those occasions when what initially feels like defeat is actually a victory in disguise. The reality is that

How often does victory now escape you because you regularly defeat yourself before you’ve even started? Read More »

A small plant just beginning to sprout an grow

Knowing that we function better when we’re growing and developing, what’s your plan now?

It’s very easy to get stuck in a rut. Without realising it, we can suddenly find ourselves stagnating in a routine which, if we’re honest, is rarely satisfying. Or, at least, is not as satisfying as it could be. We’re designed to be explorers, seeking out the new and the different. Contrarily, we then allow

Knowing that we function better when we’re growing and developing, what’s your plan now? Read More »

A old car, which is falling apart, stuck in the middle of a field.

One day you’re young with a whole life ahead of you. And suddenly you’re stuck in a life which isn’t working.

I’m currently doing a couple of courses, both of which involve a bus ride from central Manchester and pass through the university area. It is, of course, packed with students. Adult life for most of them is just beginning, and university is the first step towards the life that they want for themselves. I vaguely

One day you’re young with a whole life ahead of you. And suddenly you’re stuck in a life which isn’t working. Read More »

A blank page with a pencil laying on it, surrounded by glassed, photos, a camera and a magnifying glass, preparing for a journey.

How is 2024 shaping up so far? Is it all that you want, or are you already beginning to despair?

We are now halfway through January, and the madness of December, Christmas, and New Year feels like a distant memory. Indeed, there may only be two reminders of those times. Firstly, those additional pounds we’ve gained by eating and drinking too much. And secondly, the pounds we’ve lost by spending too much. January really can

How is 2024 shaping up so far? Is it all that you want, or are you already beginning to despair? Read More »