Coaching, Training and Hypnosis from Not A Blue Tree

Coaching Podcast from Not A Blue Tree.


The Coaching from Not A Blue Tree podcast is about coaching, the many coaching techniques, and the areas where coaching can help. In each episode I explore either a general aspect of coaching, and this includes techniques and topics which I use in any coaching situation, or a specific area where I use coaching to assist clients make and achieve the change they want to be.


Coaching from Not A Blue Tree
Coaching from Not A Blue Tree

This podcast explores the many facets of coaching, how the many and varied coaching tools work, how a range of techniques can help overcome barriers to success, and how the multiple areas and challenges of life can benefit from coaching.

In series 1 I explored a number of topics, all linked to the work that I do. After 12 episodes I decided to take a break and review the content. Tune in soon for series 2.

If the choice is between coaching and something else, how do you know that coaching is the right option?
byGary Burns

In this episode I look at the various options open to you when you realise that you want to move into a better future. It's important to consider what may work for you, depending on where you are in life and what you want to achieve. The important part is to take action and change your story.