Coaching, Training and Hypnosis from Not A Blue Tree

Exam Stress and Anxiety.

Success consists of going from failure to failure without any loss of enthusiasm.

Exam stress and anxiety.

An open book with an open notebook on top, pen at the ready. All the signs of someone preparing for exams, and managing their exam stress.Exams can be, and frequently are, stressful times. A lot can ride on passing exams. Doors open and close depending on your results. It can, therefore, feel overwhelming, very stressful and a time of high anxiety.

And the reality is that exam stress is an expression of anxiety. We can be anxious about a whole range of things, and a bit of anxiety is normal.

What is Anxiety?

An explosion of colourMind, the mental health charity, defines anxiety as, “what we feel when we are worried, tense or afraid – particularly about things that are about to happen, or which we think could happen in the future”. It’s a perfectly natural response, linked to our fight-or-flight response. It’s designed to protect us when confronted by danger.

However, self-preservation is an essential part of our survival. Anxiety, that survival instinct on overdrive, is distinctly unhelpful. So, for example, the fight-or-flight response will kick in when a big, scary animal appears in front of us. This is a good thing. Being anxious about meeting a big, scary animal all of the time is not.

Dealing with exam stress.

a key resting on stonesThere are lots of things that we can do to manage exam stress. I show people a range of techniques to take back control, and I use hypnosis as a means of reinforcing the techniques. Hypnosis also provides a route to relaxation, which in turn helps manage the stress.

It all requires a bit of practice and your time. And it’s up to you to take the first step. When you’re ready, book a free initial consultation here, and then take the next step.

Never More Than £50.

A picture of precious stones in various shades of blue and purple.My commitment is that the process will never cost more than £50. We do all of the work online, saving time and money. We exchange messages, and we only meet via Zoom when we’re ready to undertake some hypnosis.

You get to keep copies of all of the messages which we exchange, and I create a hypnosis track which you can listen to as often as you need.

Please note that this offer is only for exam anxiety. The same price applies for adults and children. It’s a one-off payment which you pay at the start of the process.