Coaching, Training and Hypnosis from Not A Blue Tree

Coaching for Change and Success.

The way to get started is to quit talking and get doing.

Introduction to Life Coaching.

Open countryside with clouds shaped into the word "change"

Coaching is for change and success. This means it supports you to reach your goals, moving into a world in which you achieve more by being differently. Think, therefore, for a moment about what you want to do, who you want to be, and what you want to have. And now imagine doing that, being that, having that now. Then consider the possibilities of changing life for the better. Right now.

Notice what a difference it makes to how you feel about you, those around you, your possibilities and choices, and about life. And then imagine yourself marking off the milestones, overcoming the barriers, and enjoying your success. You recognise that you are ready to take the first step, and you know you are worth more. Above all else, you definitely believe that life can be better, don’t you?

Do I Need a Life Coach?

Is there anything about your life now that could be working better? Alternatively, is there anything stopping you from having the future that you want? Or, do you have a sense that while life is OK there could be something more?

Have you answered “yes” to any or all of these questions? If so, coaching can make the difference.

I can help you move from where you are now. I’ll assist you in overcoming the barriers to the future that you want. Consequently, we can work together as you make the plans and set the goals. This, ultimately, allows you to transform your life from what it is now to what you want it be.

You are the Expert on You.

Without doubt, you are the expert on you. You know who you are and where you’re from. Crucially, you understand the life you’ve had to bring you to where you are now. That said, your understanding of your reality is coloured and affected by your experiences, your beliefs, and your values. In turn, they are formed by people, events, and experiences. It means that, at times, we are blinkered by those experiences. Our actions, our inactions, and the actions and inactions of others limit us. As a result, we feel seemingly stuck in an unbreakable cycle.

With this in mind, I can assist you in re-evaluating those experiences, events, and people. I can support you to address your limiting beliefs. We can complete some work so that you understand your values and beliefs. Above all else, my role is to guide you as you plan and work towards a compelling, exciting future. It’s a future in which you become more, you are the real you, and you are differently.

What Can Coaching Help With?

Coaching can help with anything which requires you to make change. This includes change which not only involves changing your behaviour but also changing your thinking and attitudes as well. So, if you’re not sure, take a step back and ask yourself:

Am I living the life I want to live? Am I doing the things I want to do? Do I have the things I want to have? Am I being the things I want to be? Is my future (tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, the next 10, 20, 30 years) exciting and compelling?

If your answer is “no” to any or all of the questions, then a coach is the way forward. Alternatively, ask yourself if you feel that you are moving forward or if you feel stuck. If you’re moving forward, carry on doing what you’re doing whereas if you’re stuck, a coach can help.

The list below gives an idea of the areas that coaching can help. The list is not, though, exhaustive. So, if you’re wondering if coaching can help you, book a free initial consultation by clicking here.

addressing drug misuse (prescription and illegal drug misuse)



business planning and goals

career change and progression

conflict resolution


erectile disfunction

establishing life plans


goal setting

health and fitness

​hobbies and interests

Internet and online gaming addiction​

intimate relationships

limiting beliefs

​loss and grief

negative emotions​​

overcoming alcohol misuse


​public speaking​​​​​​

reframing difficult relationships

relationship goals


retirement planning

returning to work

sex addiction

sleep problems

sporting success​​​

stopping smoking


understanding values​

work-life balance

addressing drug misuse (prescription and illegal drug misuse)



business planning and goals

career change and progression

conflict resolution


erectile disfunction

establishing life plans


goal setting

health and fitness

hobbies and interests

Internet and online gaming addiction

intimate relationships

limiting beliefs

loss and grief

negative emotions

overcoming alcohol misuse


public speaking

reframing difficult relationships

relationship goals


retirement planning

returning to work

sex addiction

sleep problems

sporting success

stopping smoking


understanding values

work-life balance

The Coaching Process.

Firstly: Prior to starting any coaching relationship, it’s important to establish that we are right for each other, and that the services I provide are right for you. A free phone or Zoom call allows us to have a conversation about what you want to achieve, how I might assist you, and whether we want to proceed.

Secondly: The first session, lasting up to 2 hours, is about getting to know you, understanding what you want to change, looking at barriers to success, and establishing well-formed goals which enable you to move from where you are to where you want to be.

Finally: All subsequent sessions, each up to an hour, involve change work if needed, letting go of issues from the past, providing clarity on what matters to you, and observing progress as you move to your new model of the world. These sessions provide time to overcome any barriers, and monitor your progress.

The Techniques.

All of the work that I do is underpinned by Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), coaching, and hypnosis techniques. Essentially, coaching puts you at the heart of the process, establishing your goals and your routes to success. This means that it’s a model which requires you to identify your skills, your knowledge, and any barriers to success. Critically, the coaching approach is non-directive. You’re in charge, and my role as a coach is to ensure that you progress confidently and positively.

The Commitment.

Firstly, if we decide to work together, we agree to work together for up to six sessions. This is because I firmly believe that almost all change work can be completed in six or fewer sessions. Importantly, I’m confident that in this time you gain the skills to continue with your progress. As such, you pay for each session as we arrange them. This means that if we complete the work in fewer than six sessions, you have only paid for the sessions that you need.

Secondly, your commitment is to agree to the first two sessions to be within one or two weeks of each other. This is for the purpose of building momentum and ensuring that you are on track.

Finally, your other commitment is to complete the tasks to which you agree in each of our sessions. It really is that simple.

The Cost.

I charge £50 for the first session, which lasts up to two hours. Following on from this, I charge £40 for each subsequent session of up to an hour. Therefore, if you need six sessions, the maximum number that I usually offer, you invest in yourself a total of £250.