A digital representation of the human mind, full of ideas.

When your head is overflowing with ideas about what you want to achieve, leaving you so overwhelmed that you don’t know where to start, what do you do?

A picture of Derwent Dam, with water pouring over the top.People access coaching for many reasons. Some have an idea, a plan, and are just not sure where to start. Others have a few options that they wish to explore. Additionally, there is a group that has the feeling that life could be better, and they’re just not sure how. Further to this, some have a vague idea around aspects of their lives. They need support to remove the vagueness and then create the plan. And then there’s the group that is so overflowing with ideas and thoughts, they don’t know where to start.

This may be you. It might be someone you know. There could be someone you’ve worked or studied with. It’s the person who seemingly has an endless list of plans and ideas, from the massive to the mundane, and yet they never seem to start. Or, as one of my clients recently described it, “the wheels are spinning and I can’t quite get them on the ground”. I love this analogy. All the energy is there. The ideas are exciting. I want to get going. And I can’t quite make it happen.

A picture of multiple threads, all in different colours and all separate from each other.One of the strategies that I encourage people to use in these situations is to firstly list all of the things you want to do. All of them. Secondly, take each one in turn, treat it as though it is the only thing that you’re doing, and plan it accordingly. Finally, work out how you’re combining all the different things you want to do. So, just imagine. You want to write a book. Travel Europe by train. Declutter your house. Continue in your current job for another six months. Rent out your spare room. Find inner peace. Learn to play the piano. I’m sure you can add to the list.

Take each idea in turn. Using what you know about well-formed goals (if you’re not sure, check out episode 1 of my podcast), set the goals for this week, this month, six months from now, a year from now and so on. This creates the compelling and exciting future, the well-formed plan. Add what you gain by following this plan. Additionally, include the end state and what that means for you. And repeat.

Do this for each idea. One crucial part of this is making sure that the ideas at this stage do not overlap. Deal first with writing the book. Then deal with traveling Europe by train. It’s possible that the two may overlap when you actually start to take action. However, at the point of separating out the ideas, keep them apart. It may well feel a little strange.

An almost complete jigsaw puzzle, showing DNA, with just a few more pieces to have everything in place.You end up with a series of separated threads. Additionally, you have a plan for each thread. You now need to work out how to combine and sequence the main plan. How do you combine the multiple ideas and plans into one, single plan? Only you will know. As you look at the plans, you may find that some are less appealing than others. Alternatively, you might realise that some complement each other and work together well. Further to this, you may find that a sequence appears, with one idea being the starting point which in turn leads to the next. Of course, some may simply fall by the wayside. And others may jump to the fore.

You do, though, have clarity. All of those ideas that were spinning around in your head now have form and a plan. If you can now take the next step, do it. If you’re not so sure, book an initial consultation here, and we can look at what the next step is. And you know that it makes sense, don’t you?

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Gary Burns

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