A couple walking in a park in autumn

We’re all supposed to aim for more steps today. Are you moving forward now, or are you stuck and unable to start?

Today is the start of National Walking Month. The aim, of course, is to get us all walking more, moving forward. Indeed, the ideal would be for us all to walk as much as possible. And the charity, Living Streets, advocates for just that; living streets, which make walking both feasible and pleasurable. And it […]

We’re all supposed to aim for more steps today. Are you moving forward now, or are you stuck and unable to start? Read More »

A black and white image of two people on a bridge. Their body language suggests that they are a couple.

How does knowing that it is impossible to not communicate affect your behaviour and attitude now?

In the 1960s, Paul Watzlawick proposed five axioms of communication, one of which is that it’s impossible to not communicate. Our words, our tonality, our body language all say something, which may include a desire to not communicate. And by not communicating, we are doing the very thing we don’t want to do; communicate. Indeed,

How does knowing that it is impossible to not communicate affect your behaviour and attitude now? Read More »

A graphic showing the wheel of life and the six aspects: career, relationships, family, health & fitness, personal growth & development, and renewal.

The wheel of life: is your life now the life you want it to be, or are you asking yourself what you want to do to make it better?

Some of my clients approach me with specific ideas of what they want to achieve. They need support in working out how to make the idea become their new reality. Others are less sure. They are sure that life could be better and they’re looking for clarity on what they can do to make it

The wheel of life: is your life now the life you want it to be, or are you asking yourself what you want to do to make it better? Read More »

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Celebrating the Victories

I wonder how often our days are defined by what went wrong – the missed bus, the gridlocked traffic, the boring meeting – rather than everything that went right. And the reality is that for most of us, most things go well for most of the time. It’s about celebrating the victories, no matter how

Celebrating the Victories Read More »

A calm day beside the sea, with the sun reflecting on the sand and water.

Preparing for the Future

I read a lot. In fact, I read loads. Books, articles, blogs, news sites… the list goes on. And I have been struck recently by how much is written about preparing for the future, from the macro to the micro, from global warming to improving well-being. It’s good to be ready, and it’s great to

Preparing for the Future Read More »