Coaching, Training and Hypnosis from Not A Blue Tree
An image of children playing. They are in silhouette form, backlit by the setting sun. They are running downhill, rolling tyres as they go

Challenging children today to overcome the reality of their recurring fears and irrational phobias now

It would be great if we could keep fear and phobia, anxiety and distress, out of childhood. Or, at least, the more extreme forms which become debilitating and limiting. It’s concerning that mental health services are overwhelmed, and waiting lists for support and treatment continue to grow. And it’s particularly worrying for parents, who see […]

Challenging children today to overcome the reality of their recurring fears and irrational phobias now Read More »

A large spiral stairway, going downwards.

Are you making really superficial changes now to avoid the profound and lasting changes that you deeply wish to make?

I recently found myself reading a number of articles about how to improve on a budget the look of your home. Nothing about profound and lasting changes. Just some quick fixes. This ranged from painting a feature wall to dying your bedding. It all seemed so easy, and it struck me that life can be a bit

Are you making really superficial changes now to avoid the profound and lasting changes that you deeply wish to make? Read More »

An old tree beside a path, the tree having bent and twisted seeking out the light. The path has deviated around the tree, remaining passable

Some change takes a while, and sometimes we can make changes in the moment. It does, though, require that first step. Are you ready?

There is a plethora of self-help books, articles, websites and the like out there. The vast majority genuinely want to assist change and support people into making those changes in the moment and as painlessly as possible. Many perpetuate the myth that it takes 21 or possibly 30 or possibly some other random number of

Some change takes a while, and sometimes we can make changes in the moment. It does, though, require that first step. Are you ready? Read More »

A train crossing a long viaduct style bridge over a vally.

Are the current labels that you have now the ones that you’ve deliberately chosen for yourself, or are your labels actually defining you?

Entitled and lazy. Is this you? Are these the labels that you have? I recently read an article about Millennials. It was not very complimentary, with recurring themes of entitlement and laziness. Who, I wondered, are these dreadful people?  It turns out that Millennials are those born between 1981 and 1996, and it seems that being born

Are the current labels that you have now the ones that you’ve deliberately chosen for yourself, or are your labels actually defining you? Read More »

A yacht sailing on calm seas as the sun rises.

If you’re constantly burdened by unresolved negative emotions, you can make it expensive and complicated, or you can resolve them quickly and easily now.

Some past events just won’t go away. You think they’re gone, something happens, and suddenly you’re back in the moment. Somehow, you immediately experience those powerful unresolved negative emotions as you revisit the terrible events which you just can’t forget or forgive. Indeed, the events may be such that it’s more a case of won’t

If you’re constantly burdened by unresolved negative emotions, you can make it expensive and complicated, or you can resolve them quickly and easily now. Read More »

A mosaic of letters through which is a vague background of a boat

How exciting is your world when you discover the power of the unconscious mind and hypnosis to unlock the future that you want now?

The unconscious mind is hugely powerful, and it’s able to process over 10 million bits of information every second. In contrast, our conscious mind can only manage between 40 and 140 bits at any one time. We do all learning, behaviour and change at an unconscious level. If you doubt this, just think back to

How exciting is your world when you discover the power of the unconscious mind and hypnosis to unlock the future that you want now? Read More »

A person on top of a hill, looking out over the countryside.

How do you really feel when you discover an amazing way to move affordably and professionally into the exciting and compelling future that you want?

Do you have hopes and aspirations, dreams and ideas, about an exciting and compelling future? Are you letting doubt, a lack of self-belief, the opinions and judgements of others and ourselves, stop those hopes, aspirations, dreams and ideas from even starting? Are you shying away from paying for support for fear of the cost? And,

How do you really feel when you discover an amazing way to move affordably and professionally into the exciting and compelling future that you want? Read More »

A calm day beside the sea, with the sun reflecting on the sand and water.

Is our current pursuit of perfectionism triggering the exact opposite; a decline in mental wellbeing as we now seek the impossible?

The idea of perfectionism is fairly easy to understand; striving to do everything in a way which is perfect, flawless, without error. And I’m sure we all know people who are perfectionists, for whom second-best simply will not do. Our pursuit of perfectionism seems harmless enough and, is there anything wrong with wanting everything to

Is our current pursuit of perfectionism triggering the exact opposite; a decline in mental wellbeing as we now seek the impossible? Read More »

A couple walking in a park in autumn

We’re all supposed to aim for more steps today. Are you moving forward now, or are you stuck and unable to start?

Today is the start of National Walking Month. The aim, of course, is to get us all walking more, moving forward. Indeed, the ideal would be for us all to walk as much as possible. And the charity, Living Streets, advocates for just that; living streets, which make walking both feasible and pleasurable. And it

We’re all supposed to aim for more steps today. Are you moving forward now, or are you stuck and unable to start? Read More »

A black and white image of two people on a bridge. Their body language suggests that they are a couple.

How does knowing that it is impossible to not communicate affect your behaviour and attitude now?

In the 1960s, Paul Watzlawick proposed five axioms of communication, one of which is that it’s impossible to not communicate. Our words, our tonality, our body language all say something, which may include a desire to not communicate. And by not communicating, we are doing the very thing we don’t want to do; communicate. Indeed,

How does knowing that it is impossible to not communicate affect your behaviour and attitude now? Read More »