It surprises and troubles me that so many people, adults and children, experience recurring issues with anxiety. While a certain level of anxiety is perfectly natural, being so overwhelmed is certainly not. Anxiety for many is hugely debilitating. It stops people from living the life they want to live. Additionally, it reduces choices and options, limiting how people live their lives. Sound familiar? Is this you? And, if you’re so anxious that you really struggle to make it happen, what’s the first powerful step that you can take?
It all starts with recognising that your anxiety is in charge. You have lost control of what you do and who you are. Opportunities evade you as you shut down your world as a means of managing your anxiety. And it can be hard to acknowledge this. You may well have made the changes gradually over a very long period of time. Equally, there might be events that you cannot avoid and you find yourself living in dread for days, weeks, months at a time.
Secondly, it’s about accepting and understanding that you can change. It can feel like an impossible task, particularly if anxiety has been your long-standing companion. How can you possibly undo such entrenched behaviour? Reassuringly, it is absolutely possible if you decide that you want to change. It may be challenging. It might take time. Crucially, you can take action and make it happen.
Finally, you may want to think about who you are without anxiety. One of the challenges of change is that you become someone new, someone better. It just doesn’t always feel like that. I met someone once who, while knowing that he wanted to change, was fearful of losing himself. Without the baggage, he asked, “who the #%@* am I?”. It’s a good question. An even better question is asking yourself who you actually want to be.
There are lots of techniques out there for dealing with anxiety. What I offer works with the power of the mind and body, tapping into many of the things that we do naturally. So, harness the power of your mind and body, and change your world.
If you know what to do, do it now. If you’re not sure, book an initial consultation here and then take the next step. You know that you can do it, and you know that it makes sense, don’t you?