I recently visited some friends. I hadn’t been for a while. Much had changed yet so much remained the same. Isn’t that the same with friends? We’re all getting older yet the bonds that bind remain as strong as ever. During the trip I was able to get out and visit the tree which we planted together in 2012. Back then, it was just a sapling, taller than me yet thin and frail. We wondered if the tree would survive. I hadn’t seen the tree for a number of years – previous visits had either been so wet it wasn’t worth going out or we were caught up in other things. The sapling is now a tree. Strong and beautiful. And as I contemplated the tree, I realised that part of life is all about weathering the storm and growing. How’s that for you?
Trees often appear in metaphors and I now see why. They stand, silently witnessing the world around them. Resolutely, they weather the storms. Naturally, they grow almost imperceptibly. Conclusively, the trick to its survival seems to be all about strong roots and a powerful trunk. If they do well, the tree appears to be able to deal with just about anything.
It got me thinking about all that has happened in my life since 2012. Firstly, life was going well back then. Secondly, I’ve moved house twice, moving from rural Northamptonshire to the amazing city of Manchester. Crucially, I’ve toiled through the challenges of house buying and selling. Finally, plans have gone awry. Reassuringly, life now feels back on track. Importantly, we’ve weathered the storms, enjoyed the sunshine, and, now that we’re settled into our new life, we’re enjoying the present and making plans for the future.
I can’t say that it’s been an easy twelve years. There have been lots of highs. Equally, there have been a good few lows. Yet I am able to be where I am now, thanks to the strong roots and robust trunk. That resilience is what’s made it all possible.
And where are you in all of this? Are you growing, resilient in the face of adversity? Or, do you at times think you’re sinking under the weight of it all. Take a moment, and take stock. If all is going well, celebrate. Alternatively, if life could be going better, celebrate the good parts, and then work out your next step. If you’re not sure how to that, book an initial consultation here, and then take the next step. You know that you can do it, and you know that it makes sense, don’t you?