A motorcyclist is crossing the finish line of a race. They started with the end in mind and now they are there.

Always start with the end in mind, and changing your mind is just as powerful.

A significant part of the coaching process is creating an exciting and compelling future. Obviously, you can only do this if you establish where you want to be. Essentially, you have to be very specific about that future. Vague ideas of being richer, fitter, happier just don’t cut it. Some people avoid making those specific plans which are both exciting and compelling. They are fearful of missing out on other opportunities. Equally, they worry about being stuck on a fixed course, unable to deviate. Nothing could be further from the truth. You can always change your mind. The power lies in the specific plan or goal. So, always start with the end in mind, and changing your mind is just as powerful.

A black and white photo of a clapper board and three different lenses. It's time to take action.You work out what’s working for you and what could be working better. Then you establish your exciting and compelling future. You turn this into well-formed plans and goals. Finally, you start to take action. By taking action, you are increasing your choices, and you are gaining knowledge and experience.

And you may well remain on track. You continue to take action. Importantly, you learn to navigate and overcome the barriers to your success. Your exciting and compelling future moves ever closer. Suddenly, you are there. It’s amazing. You enjoy your success. Crucially, you then create the next step, the next future, which is just as exciting and compelling. You continue to move onwards and upwards.

A signpost with arrows pointing in lots of different directions to various cities around the world. It really is a world full of options.Alternatively, you may find that you are on track. As your choices and knowledge grow, you are now aware of more possibilities. As if out of nowhere, new ideas appear. And your exciting and compelling future is still as exciting and compelling. However, you are now aware of something even more exciting and compelling.

You could be resolute and persevere with your current plan. Once you’re there, you already have a new goal, a new plan. So take action and make it happen.

A railway track lined with trees and overhead lamps. There is a fork in the rail, suggesting the chance to change directionThat said, you also have the option of regrouping. If the new plan or goal takes you somewhere even better, change course, move on from the original plan and make the new plan the one to follow. After all, this is about a better future in which you are more and you are differently. You are only changing course because you’ve done some work and increased your choices. Just imagine how powerful that is.

If you can do it, do it now. If you’re not sure, book an initial consultation here, and then take the next step. You know that you can do it, and you know that it makes sense, don’t you?

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Gary Burns

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