A person holding a chequered flag, which is fully extended in the breeze.

If you start with the end in mind and then plan the first step, how successful do you want to be?

Those of you who’ve read Stephen Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” know that he recommends starting with the end in mind. In other words, before you do anything else, work out where you want to be. It gives purpose. Crucially, it sets the direction. After all, how often do you leave your house without at least some idea of where you’re going? Once you’ve established the end, it’s the first step that really counts. What is that essential first step? So, if you start with the end in mind and then plan the first step, how successful do you want to be?

A black and white photo of someone holding a lens. The image through the lens is in colour and shows one part of the picture in clear detail, unlike the rest of the picture, which is a little hazy.There are two parts to this. Firstly, it’s being very clear about where you want to be. I’ve said it many times before and I’ll say it again. The more precise, the more specific you can be, the better. If you tell yourself you want to be richer, you’ll spot a pound coin in the street. Alternatively, if you state that you want to earn an extra £400 a month, suddenly you become aware of opportunities. Real opportunities. A job advert. A promotion. A side hustle.

A close up of a railway track, with the foreground in sharp focus, the image becoming more blurred in the backgroundCuriously, some shy away from the specificity. They mistakenly see it as restrictive. Nothing could be further from the truth. You’ll certainly be more aware of options and choices that can help you achieve your aims. And you will still be aware of anything that interests you. The reality, therefore, is that you become aware of more, not less.

A stone staircase in an old building. The staircase splits into three different directions all leading to unknown corners of the building.Secondly, the all important first step. What’s the very first thing that you do to take you one step closer to the end you have in mind? Be equally clear about what that first step is. Additionally, make sure it’s something that you can do. And then do it.

That first step leads to the next. And that step means you’re two steps closer. Plan each step and make it happen.

A country track which splits into two different directions. The track is in woodland, it is early morning, and there is mist in the trees. The choices are clear, and where they lead is less clear.Of course, as you take action, that end that you so clearly defined may change. You’re taking action and you’re learning. Therefore, you have new information. Critically, this may open up new opportunities and choices. Consequently, if you become aware of something which is even more exciting and compelling than your original plan, change course and keep moving forward.

Benjamin Franklin once stated that, “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”. Just because you set a plan, it doesn’t mean you have to see it through to the end. We find new opportunities. The world around us changes. Obviously, we change. So long as you’re moving forward, driven by what we want and what excites us, how great is that?

Importantly, if you understand your destination and the first step to get there, just imagine how successful you are if you do this all of the time.

So, if you know what to do, do it now. If you’re not sure, book an initial consultation here, and then take the next step. You know that you can do it, and you know that it makes sense, don’t you?

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Gary Burns