A picture of the sun rising behind some trees, with a slight mist in the air.

As summer draws to a certain close, are you ready to transform as effortlessly as the seasons do?

I don’t know about you, but for me the arrival of the end of summer always feels like something of a marker. Perhaps it’s an awareness that the year as a whole is coming to an end. Maybe it’s the approaching autumn and winter. It could even be a throwback to the start of the academic year. I’m not really sure. However, much like the start of the year it feels like a time when it’s perhaps worth some reflection and evaluation of how everything is going. Curiously, it’s something that many of us are not very good at doing. We allow ourselves to respond and react, with little thought to concrete plans and goals. It got me wondering. As summer draws to a certain close, are you ready to transform as effortlessly as the seasons do?

A picture of a baby's hand resting in the hand of an adult

Change can be difficult, and you could well be someone who likes the safety to the known. And there’s a lot to be said about the tried and tested. It provides a level of certainty and security that you like. Conversely, the risk is that you end up feeling stuck. You may already be there. Alternatively, you may feel that life is good, and then suddenly, almost overnight, it’s not.

A sign post with a blue sky behind it. The post has multiple signs on it, pointing to different cities around the world.

To be fair, some people march through life. Others simply drift. You may be either. And for some in these groups, life turns out well. If this is you, carry on doing what you’re doing. Just be aware that things can and do change.

There are, though, advantages to stopping and taking stop. Firstly, it allows you to establish what is working well for you. You may be surprised by how much is going well. Secondly, you sometimes find that you’re doing things and you’re really not sure why. Save yourself some time and stop doing them. Thirdly, by taking stock you may immediately get a sense of how you improve life for yourself. And finally, you’re giving yourself some time out, some me time. This is something you may be neglecting and it’s always good to look after yourself.

A single tree, with the night sky in the background. The tree is reflected in a perfectly still body of water.Importantly, by taking stock you’re not committing to taking action. You can simply decide to maintain the status quo, because that’s what works for you right now. The difference is that this is your decision. You’re doing what you’re doing because you’ve decided and you’re no longer simply responding and reacting. Significantly, you can change your mind at any time, make a plan and then make it happen.

If you know what to do next, do it. If you’re not sure, book an initial consultation here and then take the next step. You know that it makes sense, and you know that you can do it, don’t you?

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Gary Burns