A brass compass sitting on a map of the world. The compass is showing which direction to take.

Is life generally happening around you, or is today part of the plan for a better tomorrow?

It’s all about having purpose. We function best when we give ourselves direction and targets. Those plans and goals mean that we have a reason for doing and being today. That said, it amazes me now many people simply drift along. They seemingly have no real sense of where they’re going or what they want. It may work. You can possibly get results and be who you want to be. It does, though, feel like you’re leaving your life to chance. So, where are you in all of this? Is life generally happening around you, or is today part of the plan for a better tomorrow?

the sun is rising behind two people who are helping each other to climb what looks like a hill or rocky point. It is their mountain and their challenge.I’d known for a long time about the importance of purpose. Additionally, I’d understood that purpose doesn’t have to be about planning to climb the highest mountain, conquering the world, or any of the really big goals that some set for themselves. It can be, and it doesn’t have to be. It’s far more about understanding what your mountains are, what you want to conquer in your world. And then doing it.

A old ship, with tall masts and no open sails, has run aground on the beach. No direction, just drifting along.What became very apparent to me is that purpose is also about the stuff we do all of the time. And it really hit home during Covid and lockdowns. Suddenly, those events and actions which give life direction and purpose were temporarily not possible. Those Friday night gatherings. Our weekend hobbies and interests. Sport, theatre, cinema were not happening. Events with family and friends were cancelled or at least postponed. All the things which give life meaning and purpose were off the table.

It is, therefore, unsurprising that some found it all so hard. I do, though, wonder how many of us have changed our habits and possibly our attitude. If previously you were very much going with the flow, are you a little more insistent about having a plan or a goal? Similarly, if you were always one to have a plan and a goal, are you more focussed and determined than you were before?

A small rowing boat on a completely calm sea as the sun rises. Being in the moment and enjoy the sceneCrucially, it is absolutely possible to have a plan and work to make it happen, and also be open to what comes along. Take your focus and enjoy the benefits. And then be in the moment to all that is happening around you.

If you’re ready for greater choices and options, make it happen now. If you’re not sure, book an initial consultation here, and then take the next step. You know that you can do it, and you know that it makes sense, don’t you?

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Gary Burns