A black and white photo of multiple cables attached to a pole. It is absolute chaos.

When the chaos is actually overwhelming, can you really discover a better future?

There are times, certainly for me, when life feels like that it’s on track. Unfortunately, those times rarely last all of the time. Indeed, I sometimes wonder how everything felt so out of my control. It can be very stressful and tiring when it feels as if the world is out to get you. In those moments, it’s very easy to give up, retreat into what feels safe and comfortable. And that return to our comfort zone is what keeps us stuck. We remain in a world which is, at times, far from what we want. However, the thought of pushing ourselves out of that comfort zone just feels like too much. So, when the chaos is actually overwhelming, can you really discover a better future?

A person standing at a junction, with an arrow pointing to the left, to the right and straight on. We can only see the person's feet as they stop and decide which route leads to a better futureWhen your life seems out of control, it can feel almost impossible to know where to begin. I’ve heard people say that they’re just to busy keeping everything going that they don’t have time to plan a way forward. Bizarrely, some appear to think that if they just keep all of the plates spinning, everything will work itself out. It may do. The chances are, though, that eventually something will slip. You suddenly find you’re missing things. And you’re exhausted.

A stop sign, in bright red against a blue sky.The reality is that to find a way forward you have to stop and take a step back. Only by taking stock can you realistically find a way to get everything on track and take back control. Firstly, that step back allows you to establish what’s working. Secondly, you can then see what could be working better. Additionally, you may realise that you can simply stop doing some of the things you’re doing. Finally, you can work out what your next steps are.

A person, in silhouette, is sitting beside a lake. The sun is about to rise and the sky is varying shades of pink, orange and purple. It is a picture of absolute calm.Curiously, taking that all-important step back can feel very selfish. You may be someone who feels guilty for taking “me time”. Yet, taking time for yourself is all about self-care, and we can only do our best for others if we are doing our best for ourselves.

So, if you can take that step back and take back control, do it now. If you’re not sure, book an initial consultation here, and then take the next step. You know that you can do it, and you know that it makes sense, don’t you?

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Gary Burns