A key, with clock as part of the design. It's time to unlock a plan to get to where you want to be.

The true power of motivation lies in knowing exactly what you want now.

I think that most of know when we’re feeling motivated. Suddenly, we have the energy and focus to make it happen. Obstacles seem less challenging, and we find ways to overcome the barriers. Progress adds to the sense of achievement. We have that overwhelming sense of being able to do it. Conversely, when we lack motivation, everything becomes a chore. Barriers seem insurmountable. Nothing happens quickly. Lots of things contribute to our lack of motivation, just as lots of factors are in play when we’re motivated. However, the true power of motivation lies in knowing exactly what you want now.

Clothes hanging on a line, all drying in the sunshine. It's a chore we all have to do, and worth the work for the clean clothes we can then whereYou’ve probably experienced times when your motivation is high. Equally, there will have been times when you really struggled to find any motivation at all. It’s certainly a lot easier if you’re working towards something that you really want. Sadly, there are lots of times when you have to do stuff that you really don’t want to do, yet you have little or no choice. This can be tasks at work. Indeed, it could be going to work itself. That said, you may well be aware of times at home when you’re doing things not because you want to but because you feel that you have to.

What’s the solution, particularly when you’re lacking motivation? The key is to be as specific as possible about what you want, and then be similarly specific about what you gain when you’ve achieved the task.

Abandon vague ideas of cleaning the house, doing a bit of gardening, taking the kids out for the day. Instead, embrace thoughts of dusting all of the surfaces in the front room, mopping or hoovering all of the floors, clearing the rubbish and putting everything away. Focus on weeding the beds in the front garden, mowing the lawns, sweeping the yard. Plan for a walk to the park, an hour on the swings, a picnic in the woods, a day at Alton Towers.

A list a four unspecified tasks written on a chalkboard, with one item ticked as completeEventually, you have a plan. A step-by-step plan. Crucially, you have mapped out the steps for getting the tasks done. And the beauty of the process is that it works irrespective of whether you’re planning something you want to do or something you’re doing for other reasons.

A trophy, the prize for getting what you want.Secondly, you work out what you gain by getting the task done. A clean house in which you can relax. A garden where you want to be with friends and family. A day out which makes memories. This is particularly helpful if the task in itself is not something that you really enjoy. The task may be a chore. However, the gain is worth the pain.

And, if you find yourself doing things that you dislike that lead to nothing positive, I’d suggest that you really want to ask yourself what reason you have for doing the task in the first place.

So, if you can do it, do it now. If you’re not sure, book an initial consultation here, and then take the next step. You know that you can do it, and you know that it makes sense, don’t you?

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Gary Burns

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