A hedge cut to form a maze, with lots of different directions and options. What's the right path to follow?

If you don’t really know who you are, how can you be the very best you?

There’s a lot of stuff out there about self-improvement. Similarly, there’s loads about finding yourself, and discovering the real you. And it all sort of makes sense. If you don’t know what really matters to you, what you really want from all that life can offer, how on earth can you set about making it all happen? Which is all well and good, and it can end up costing a fortune to embark on that journey of discovery. It really can. Obviously, if you have the money and want to make it happen, do it. Unfortunately, most of us don’t have that luxury. We need to know that what we do is going to work. And, perhaps above all else, we need to understand the point of starting the adventure of self-discovery. Is it really true that if you don’t really know who you are, how can be the very best you?

A sculpture of two heads, both with wide open mouths. It seems that an argument is taking place.Our sense of who we are comes from so many factors. Culturally, socially, ethnically, politically, and so on. All can and do play a part. Additionally, gender and class, wealth and education, our family and our wider networks. All of them add to the mix. And as we get older, we can accept some of what we have been given. Equally, we can reject or push back against those factors which convince us less. There are, therefore, tensions between who we are expected to be, and who we actually are.

We rarely, though, stop and evaluate all that makes us who we are. How many times have you stopped and thought about the importance of your culture, your class, your ethnicity, your gender, and so on?

Spoons of different foods, all laid out on a tray. A multitude of choices, just like life what life are you choosing?Think about it this way. If you could lay out all the factors that make you who you are, which ones would you keep, and which ones would you reject? Are there any that you would modify or adapt? And, which ones are really yours?

A visual representation of figures, with each piece in different colours; read, yellow and blue. Given the number of each figure, there is a hierarchy.A very simple way to work out what actually matters to you is to work out what your values are. Values, what’s important to you, sit at an unconscious level, yet we measure so much of life against them. Once we understand our values, and they have to be our values. Values from others are all well and good, yet they’re not ours. Once we understand our values, we can then match those values against all those factors. Sometimes, they’re in close alignment. Occasionally, they’re not. However, you always get some clarity, and that’s what matters.

So, if you can do it, do it now. If you’re not sure, book an initial consultation here, and then take the next step. This is all about starting the adventure which leads you to better understanding of who you are, so that you can then become the very best you. You know that you can do it, and you know that it makes sense, don’t you?

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Gary Burns

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