One of my more recent clients came to me because they were experiencing overwhelming anxiety. It had gone beyond the point of feeling uncomfortable. They were now ready to take action, realising that confronting the anxiety was the lesser of two evils. And it’s an interesting thought. Some people continue with the bad feelings simply because the fear of change is just too great. It raises the question of how bad it has to be before you’re ready to change. So, where are you in all of this? Which makes you feel more fearful; continuing with the anxiety or actually finding a solution?
The client had reached that point where change was the only way forward, no matter how challenging that may be. They couldn’t identify a trigger to their anxiety, noting that it had been a recurring issue, to a greater or lesser extent, for many years. Crucially, there is no need to establish a root cause, although I accept that for some it’s really important to understand where the issue comes from. Critically, if this is you, you perhaps need to be willing to conclude that there is no real root cause, because sometimes there really isn’t.
Firstly, we talked about what the client wanted to achieve. They were very clear about taking back control and rediscovering themselves in the process. Secondly, we explored the negative emotions in play and an unexpected limiting belief that was holding them back. We used the power of Time Line Therapy™ to release the emotions and resolve the limiting belief. Finally, I showed the client some very simple techniques to move into a calmed state. Importantly, the techniques that I use work with the natural processes of the mind and body, making them so much easier to remember and use.
For example, the conscious mind, which tends to fill with negative self-talk when we’re anxious, has very limited capacity. Find ways of generating alternative thoughts and there’s no room for the negativity of anxiety. It takes practice and it really is that simple.
What’s remarkable with anxiety is that if you focus on solutions, you tend to get really rapid results. Learn to work with the power of the unconscious mind and the limitations of the conscious mind. Resolve the negative emotions. Release the limiting beliefs. Practise. Practise some more. Be realistic about change. You are potentially addressing some deep-seated behaviour and it can take time. Alternatively, it may not. You may just be at the point where the solutions are coming at exactly the right time.
If you can do it, do it now and take back control. If you’re not sure, book an initial consultation here, and then take the next step. The process may take less time than you think; my client was back on track after three sessions. And of course, you know that you can do it, and you know that it makes sense, don’t you?